Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ka Bandung euy !!

Alhamdulillah...Insya ALLAH saminggu deui kuring jeung pamajikan bade uih heula ka Bandung euy...phew. Lumayan istirahat heula tina sagala rutinitas.

Tiket...SIAP, koper baju...OKEH, dompet...AYA, tas...PINUH, artos...ARTOS?!?,...enya ayalah, cukup meureun, kumaha engkelah (da teu sadaya keudah diukur ku artos).

Hayu atuh, wife are you ready? lets take along deep breath, it`s just a week away from our lovely city and home, faces that we recognize!...

BANDUNG HERE WE COME ! (hope there is not too much rainy days anyway...)
heru, anu hoyong geura nepi ka Bandung....

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

selamat tinggal gadgetku.......


Setelah kurang lebih 3 bulan berjuang dengan "sakaratul maut"nya, akhirnya siemen m55-ku menyerah sudah.
Satu minggu terakhir ini, ia hanya bisa menunjukkan sisa kebesarannya lewat layar saja, sudah tak bisa berkata apa-apa alias bisu. Sekarang ia MaTot alias mati total.

Terima kasih sobat!, engkau sudah membantuku dalam banyak hal, sudah mengajari ku tentang ber-email lewat dirimu, mengajari berinternet ria dengan komputerku lewat gprs yang lumayan lambat itu, menemaniku dengan gamesmu (yang kadang membuat bosan juga), memperbolehkan dirimu aku injek dengan program java-ku yang cuman baru bisa menampilkan "Hello World!", menghiburku dengan alunan "polyphonic midi"mu yang hanya 16-chord, juga atas ijinmu agar aku boleh mengobrak-abrik serial port mu agar aku ngerti dengan at-command yang njelimet itu. Terima kasih.

Ingin rasanya aku memarahi istriku yang telah menceburkan mu kedalam seember air sehingga kau menderita, tapi maaf, rasa sayang terhadap istriku jauh lebih besar daripada kepadamu. Sekali lagi maaf.

Lagi pula sekarang telah banyak gadget baru yang lebih menarik perhatianku. Agar kau tahu saja, 3G, Windows Mobile-5, InfraRed, BlueTooth, Touch Screen, External Memory Expansion Slot, WiFi, MP3 Player, MegaPixels Camera, Mobile Office, itu semua telah ada di semua gadget sekarang. Jadi jangan salahkan bila aku
berpaling darimu dan tidak berusaha memasukkanmu ke tempat servis.

Selamat tinggal Gadgetku, tugasmu telah selesai !

heru, "hari genee gak punya hp?!....yeah so what?!"


Friday, May 25, 2007

hiks hiks hiks.....whoa whoa whoa

another dramatic defeat of my liverpool !! damn you milan! but don`t worries, still plenty to seize in future.

"When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on, through the wind

Walk on, through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone

Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone"

Greatest hail to THE REDS !!!!!!!!!
heru, reds forever....


Thursday, May 24, 2007

beuh!, tos tilu taun euy

people don't know about the things I say and do
they don't understand about the shit that I've been through
it's been so long since I've been home
i've been gone, I've been gone for way too long

sering dulur atawa kolot naros ka kuring, kieu tah :
(dulur/kolot) : "tos sabaraha lami di Balikpapan Ru ?"
(kuring) : "tos 3 taunan lah....."
(dulur/kolot) : "3 taun ?! teu karaos nya Ru to 3 taun deui....."
(kuring) : "(hmpfpfpf) hehehehehhe….."

Ari na jero hate mah, kuring ngagorowok "TEU KARAOS ti Hongkong sugan !?!?!?", it`s been quite a long time man!. Duka patokan ti mana bisa nyarios "teu karaos".

Mimiti taun kahiji mah, karaos pisan. Dameul masih hulang huleung teu paruguh, “adaptasi”, ceuk batur mah. Kutak-ketik rfq, maca tender, nyiapkeun proposal, maca drawing bari jeung teu ngarti naon anu kudu di reugeupkeun, poko na maca (ssstt !! kadang ngan pura-pura maca wungkul, tibatan disengor ku saluhureun).

Sering oge urang ngalamun, "nanaonan urang pindah ka Balikpapan, tos teuntreum geunah tumaninah di Bandung, tiis, seger, gareulis, karasep ;)".

(and time goes on)...........

Lalaunan, ayeuna kuring tos “rada” jadi urang Balikpapan. Tos biasa ku panasna, biasa ku baroseuna, biasa ku marahalna (contona, samangkok bubur hayam di Balikpapan == 3mangkokeun di bandung eta ge ditambah karupuk sawareugna deuih !) jeung ditambah tos gaduh KTP Balikpapan (moal sieun deui ku razia KTP lah ayeuna mah…). Jeung nu rada ngabrangbrangkeun hate, ayeuna kuring tos ngahiji deui jeung pamajikan didieu euy !!, Alhamdulillah.

Sanajan osok pakolepat ngalayang kana kahirupan di Bandung, kuring masih keneh tetep ngayakinkeun sorangan “Hey, I`m still here …and alive!, I guess God still has a plan for me! matak tuluykeun tah lalampahan teh !”

you get what you put in and people get what they deserve
still I ain't seen mine, no I ain't seen mine
i've been giving just ain't been gettin
i've been walking that there line
so I think I'll keep a walking with my head held high
i'll keep moving on and only God knows why
......(Kid Rock)”

heru, anu keur ngaroko jeung ngopi………

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Sunday, May 20, 2007



on second thought, YEAH SO WHAT ?! what next ?! first time i had it, i was so overwhelm, but minutes after, i realized that i do not know what i am suppose to do with this. Pretty CLEVER huh ?! i guess, i am kind of a man who just follow things that other people call "trend". I follow what others do and don`t.

Days ahead, hope find something to write here. Speak frankly, i have so many things in my head BUT i don`t know where to start and how. I guess it is true what my old time friend said "it is easy to have millions thoughts on your mind but to express is other thing".

heru, euphoria........



on second thought, YEAH SO WHAT ?! what next ?! first time i had it, i was so overwhelm, but minutes after, i realized that i do not know what i am suppose to do with this. Pretty CLEVER huh ?! i guess, i am kind of a man who just follow things that other people call "trend". I follow what others do and don`t.

Days ahead, hope find something to write here. Speak frankly, i have so many things in my head BUT i don`t know where to start and how. I guess it is true what my old time friend said "it is easy to have millions thoughts on your mind but to express is other thing".
